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January 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010

You may be wondering what yugioh is. Let me give a brief explanation. Yugioh is a trading card game that originated from japan and there are even animaes of it like Yugioh and Yugioh GX. Below are the pictures of both


The one on the left is yugioh and the one on the right is called yugioh GX. On the left, the picture shows the main character, Yugi moto with some of the monsters in the game. On the right, the picture shows Jaden yugi with a few monsters fro the game. The difference between the two is that Yugioh was released first and the monsters released during then were are older ones that were created quite a long time ago whereas the one on the right, Yugioh GX is a newer version of yugioh held in the future with newer monsters that were quite recently created. Yugioh GX is a series that is still continuing with newer monsters each day whereas Yugioh is a series that is finished and that there will be no more episodes. Although they have their differences, the game play is still the same. The card game and the animae are connected as the cards in the card game will most likely soon be featured in the animae. I have been collecting and playing with yugioh cards since I was young but I started off collecting fake cards as at first I did not know the difference between real cards and fake cards. Then, when I was around ten years old I started to collect real cards and playing them with friends. Honestly, I am not a very good deck creator and I most of the time lost to friends but I have always enjoyed the thrill of playing it. Even now, when I play with my friends like Bob (Wei an) and mo di. I feel like a cat fighting like a tiger but I am always amazed at how their decks are created. I have a few decks like my elemental hero deck, my venom deck and my crystal beast deck. The corresponding pictures are the main card of my decks.

To me, Yugioh is a form of leisure which I can relax so that is the reason why I always have been playing yugioh.

pictures adapted from:
yugioh playmats.com

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:04 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well, I started learning art when I was 4 at Yamaha music and art school ( now called Yamaha music school ). I was taught by Mr Wee, the first person to teach me how to draw humans, for a while. When I was around 7 years old, my teacher changed to Miss Wong. She taught my class about the theory of colours which included the primary and secondary colours and how colours make people feel. She was the first person to teach me how to paint using poster colours, which I continued practicing for another seven years. Those were the happy days at Yamaha until they decided to change Yamaha music and art school into Yamaha music school. Then, Miss Wong still wanted to teach us so she held classes at her house. Because of this incidence, I hate Yamaha for suddenly changing an art and music school into a music school and leaving all the art students behind. Then at the classes at Miss Wong's house, I learnt how to draw 3 dimensional images, the tedious art of dotting, manuscript, copper tooling and many more. Finally at Primary 6, I stopped going to her classes as I needed to study for PSLE. At first, I thought that it would be a temporary stoppage but eventually I stopped going for art classes completely. Before I knew it I got my results back and I was posted to Victoria school. There, I received a leaflet stating "The Victoria Art Elective Program" and I realised that maybe I could still continue learning art. Then, I got into the program and during the first module of drawing and painting, I did quite well as I was familiar with a paint brush. Then, I learned how to use adobe photoshop to edit pictures. At first, I was horrible with the program and my pictures were horrible like this one.

Then by the end of Sec 1, my skills improved by quite a bit and I took part in a photoshop competition and I submitted this work.

I think you will agree with me once you see the difference in the pictures but I am no professional yet. I have just stepped onto the starting line of a race of using photoshop. This software is of the industry standard and there are many functions and keys in it. Even Mr Zabid who has been teaching and using this software for along time says that he is no professional. Now that I have reached sec 2, I have started to learn the different things that photoshop can do. For example , a week ago, Mr Zabid did a crash course on how to do typographical portraits in 3 days for some visitors from the united states to view us having lessons. This is what I managed to do.

As I said before, this was done during a crash course so there is not much quality in this portrait. A typographical portrait is a portrait of oneself made of words. For example, if you look closely you will notice that my hair is made up of the words "my name is sharil" and my face is information about myself. I am not too sure if you have noticed, but this type of typographical portraits are like the letter M of MacDonald's on their cold drinks cups. These are used for advertisements or even portraits of important people like Steve jobs. Wow, only after writing so much have I realised how much art has impacted my life. I cannot say that everyone will love art but I hope everyone can at least appreciate art like I do.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 5:15 AM

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Firstly, Naruto is my favourite manga is that it is the only manga that I read. Basically Naruto is all about a boy called Naruto and he adventures. The character I mentioned, Didera is a member of akatsuki, an organisation made of expert criminals. This is his picture.

Even during his days as a ninja in his home town of Iwagakure , Deidara garnered high praise for his clay sculptures. However, he still desired to reach even greater heights. At first, he simply focused on creating more and more works, but before long, he started craving a forbiddened technique that was passed down in Iwagakure: a technique that allows one to knead chakra (ninja energy) into substances.He violated the law and stole the technique, causing him to be pursued. However, as the he had exploding clay used for the first time detonated and took down his pursuers, he saw the art he had desired: the Art of a single moment (一瞬の芸術, Shunshin no Geijutsu). Whenever he detonates his Exploding Clay, he recalls the process that allowed him to reach this art.This is how his exploding clay look like

The reason why like this character is that I find that his powers are very unique. I don't think there are any other super heroes or villans who have creating exploding clay as their powers. I also think that the clay he produces are very nice and yet very dangerous as during one episode he dropped a bomb, C3. Which would have tore the sand village into 2 if not for the protection of their leader. He is also a brilliant strategist. He camouflaged his explosives as sand so that he could attack the sand village's leader. Finally, I think that he is very powerful as he would not have been killed by Sasuke (naruto's best friend who went astray due to his craving of power) if not for his weakness to electricity. If you are wondering, the reason why sasuke, who was a villian attacked didera, who was also a villain was to find out where his brother, Itachi was. His catchphrase was "Art is an explosion!" and he died when he commited suicide by detonating him to form a massive yet beautiful explosion and the picture of the explosion is below. I hope now you all know why I like the character diedara.

pictures adapted from: http://naruto.wikia.com

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 4:47 AM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This photo was taken at the back of the band room where all the percussion instruments are. As you can see, the picture focuses on the snare drum which is one of the first percussion instrument I have learnt. The reason I joined percussion is that one of my front teeth was half chipped of and a mould was crafted and put there instead and I was afraid that if I played a brass or woodwind instrument, it would affect my tooth. Percussion consists of instruments like the drumset, timpani and mallets but currently I have only learnt the snare drum and mallets and I am not too good at playing them either, thats the reason why I have not moved on to the timpani and drumset. A few days ago, a DSA student entered percussion and although his skills were not that good, the seniors say that he has lots of potential and if every thing goes well he could be better than us and there would be an imbalance in the hireichy. That is why I am working very hard right now but homework is obstructing my way. Only now have I realised that I should have worked hard when I was in sec 1. I feel that this has a connection to mr lows speech on the graduating batch of sec 4 on friday. At least I have learnt that I should work hard right from the beggining to the end. Although things seem bad I believe that it is never too late to work hard as working hard now would be better than working hard later . I hope it is not to late...... but anyway no matter what happens, I will always love percussion!

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 6:27 AM

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is what I ate at banquet Simei on Monday. The reason it does not look that good is that I ate some of it before I realised that I had forgotten to take a picture of it, I hope all of you don't mind. This is actually laksa Yong tau foo which had 7 items. 1 fried round egg, 1 broccoli (my favourite vegetable) , 2 fried wanton, 1 crab meat, 1 fish cake and 1 rectangular piece of meat which i don't have any idea what it is called. This dish is one of my favourites together with chicken chop(which is really expensive) and wanton noodles. The reason why I like this dish is that I get to choose what food I want to eat and that I love the unique taste of the spicy laksa soup. The only downside of this dish is that I will most likely get a runny nose due to the spiciness of the dish. That is why although I love spicy food I don't eat them too often. You should be wondering now, "This dish does not look that good why does Sharil like it so much?". Firstly I explained at the starting that I forgot to take a photo before I started eat it and secondly, the food at banquet are not that costly so I don't think that the people selling them have so much time to make the dish look very nice like in a high class restaurant and besides it is not the look that matters but more of the taste. Although I can't guarantee that the laksa will be very fresh but I can definitely say that it is much better than the plain canteen food which costs just a little lesser so its much more worth the your money. So I strongly recommend this dish to anyone wants to try something different. Don't worry, you will not regret eating it.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 2:47 AM

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hi, My name is sharil. The CCA that I am in is concert band. I am in the percussion section which means I play instruments like the drums and mallets(like the xylophone) which I find very interesting and fun to play. Although I am still quite a novice at the drums I have to work harder so that I can learn to play instruments like the drumset and the timpani as the seniors say that we are not up to standard yet. I like to play electronic games on the computer or my nintendo DS like most boys, doodle(although I am not that good at it) and play the drums. I make friends with most people but I do not have a best friend and I think my worst enemy is my neighbour's dog. One day, while I was waiting for the lift, the dog just ran out from my neighbour's house barking at me. Somehow, I naturally pointed my tennis racquet at it in a defensive attempt against it and it ran back into my neighbour's arms whimpering. Whenever I walk past my neighbour's house, it would most likely bark at me. Thats why I consider it my worst enemy. Thats all I have to say about myself.

Tofu-oyako CAUGHT!~** 12:53 AM